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Managed VPS Plans - Frequently Asked Questions
What is a VPS?
VPS stands for Virtual Private Server. It basically takes one big server with a lot of processing power and splits that up into multiple, virtual environments. In this way a VPS is much like a dedicated server, except you don't get the full resources of a dedicated server, but it costs much less than a dedicated server. By providing a virtual system, administrators of the big server (called a host node) are able to rapidly deploy new virtual environments and isolate these virtual environments from one another. Basically you can think of a VPS as a dedicated-like server at a fraction of the cost.

What is included in your management system?
In addition to cPanel, our management system includes various server hardening tasks, operating system specific package and security updates, service monitoring, and our top-rated support.

What services are provided with cPanel?
cPanel is a feature rich control panel and backend software for your server. It includes Apache for handling and displaying your website, Exim for handling email, Dovecot for IMAP and POP3 services (retrieving your email), and Pure-FTP for FTP services so you can upload your website.

Do you provide root access for your managed VPSs?
We do not provide end-user root access to our managed VPS systems. The reason for this is that we cannot insure system quality if root access to a server is given out. Root access enables those users to install whatever they want on the VPS. This may be something that conflicts with the software we put on the server or that is malicious in nature. We simply cannot allow this in our managed system protocols.

Most users want a VPS to get better performance for their web hosting service or to separate themselves from other shared hosting users. Most users are not worried about root level access, they just want their website and email to work.

If you do require root level access, you will want to consider an unmanaged service. Contact us and let us know what your specific needs are. We do have some unmanaged plans that may work for you. Keep in mind, with an unmanaged server you will be responsible for it's upkeep.

How do I manage accounts with a cPanel VPS?
When you sign up, you will be given access to a WHM interface where you can create, delete, and modify web hosting accounts.

Are there any mail limit restrictions?
Our managed VPS plans will come with a default 100 mail limit per hour per account, but this limit can be increased or disabled entirely. For unmanaged VPSs, no restriction is put in place.

Will the OS space count against my disk space?
Yes. Generally speaking a CentOS + cPanel install will take up about 10GB of disk space. This amount can vary from time to time, depending on the version of cPanel or CentOS that is installed.

Do I need a VPS? What is the market for VPS plans?
A VPS is typically a step up from shared web hosting. This depends a lot on the VPS plan that you order. If you find your website being bogged down by other accounts on a shared hosting web server, then a move to a VPS may be best for you. If your website is the one that is bogging down a shared hosting web server, then moving to a VPS can isolate your account so that it does not affect other accounts. The market for VPS also fits for other users who are looking for dedicated server capabilities, but without the budget for a dedicated server.